



如果你在这个地区待过一个夏天,你就会知道这个季节有多紧张. 高温和有时令人窒息的潮湿加在一起,让我们感到相当痛苦. Thankfully as long as you have a powerful and properly installed air conditioner in your home you won’t have to battle the high temperatures while you’re inside. At least, that’s the hope.

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夏天的天气不适合冷却系统. The high heat and humidity can take their toll on a highly effective system. 对于年纪较大的AC来说,这个季节就像俗话说的那样,是“压垮骆驼的稻草”.

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6 Fun Things To Do This Summer


The goal this summer is to get in as many fun activities as you can. We are on board with that, especially since there are a lot of fun and enjoyable things to do in Columbus and the surrounding areas. Our team is here to make sure you enjoy your summer so we’ve put together a list of fun things that you can do this summer season.

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如果你发现家里的水管漏水了, would you just brush it off without worrying about getting repairs? No! You would work on getting that pipe fixed quickly because otherwise, 随着问题的发展,它可能会导致其他问题.

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“Can You Help My AC?”


你的十大网络彩票平台大全坏了. 虽然现在的温度还不至于让人无法忍受,但这么早就出现十大网络彩票平台大全故障并不好. You’ll need to find someone who can provide a reliable AC service in Columbus, OH,在你面临数天或数周的出汗之前,帮助事情再次正常运行.

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Let’s cut to the chase: your air conditioner is having trouble doing its job. You may have a good idea what is causing the trouble or you might be completely in the dark as to why your AC isn’t working right. In either case, 你应该优先预约在哥伦布修理十大网络彩票平台大全, OH.

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今年夏天,十大网络彩票平台大全的大小对它的运行情况非常重要. And no, 我们并不是在谈论物理单位在你的财产上占用的平方英尺的数量.

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One of the many ways that human beings can be alerted to a problem with something in the world around them is by detecting odd noises. This is why, 当你的车开始发出奇怪的声音, you know to take it into the local car garage to get it checked out.

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How a Clogged Filter Can Ruin Your Air Conditioning System Efficiency


You need a steady and strong flow of air in and out of your cooling system to allow it to provide you with the comfort you want. With that in mind, 毫不夸张地说,你的十大网络彩票平台大全系统气流不佳可能是一个大问题.

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In the first case, 你可能会看到你的能源账单有很大的波动,每月的会费也很高. In the second case, you are going to see more predictable monthly electric bills without any negative impact on your home comfort.

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如果你有一台中央十大网络彩票平台大全,你需要每年安排一次十大网络彩票平台大全调整. It’s a great way to take care of this major investment and ensure that your AC will last your family for years to come. Whether you have diligently scheduled an AC tune-up every year or this will be your first time scheduling the service, we can help.

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Questions You Need to Answer When Choosing Your Next AC Unit


If you are finding yourself faced with the need to choose an air conditioner you may be finding it to be a somewhat stressful situation. In many of these situations, 我们发现人们甚至不确定从哪里开始, often because they didn’t know how many factors they had to consider and how many options they might be choosing from.

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When it is time to install a new air conditioner at your house, 你可能正在考虑各种各样的选择. Ductless mini split air conditioners are gaining popularity among homeowners. But does that mean it’s the right choice for your home and family?

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Humidity is produced whenever air is cooled inside an AC unit. As part of the cooling process, 你的十大网络彩票平台大全也可以去除空气中的水分,这样你的房子里的湿度就会降低. Drier air naturally feels cooler, so this helps your home feel more comfortable. The moisture that gets removed is drained out through the condensate drain line.

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Things are heating up and you are on the hunt for a new air conditioner. 时间是至关重要的,所以你不必几个月没有任何凉爽的空气来源. 但是你不想跳进去选择错误的系统. Selecting a new air conditioner for your home is an important choice because you’ll be stuck with that system for anywhere from 10 to 15 years!

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Upgrading Your Cooling System: Benefits of AC Installation and Replacement


If your air conditioner is old, you may be dreading a replacement. 新十大网络彩票平台大全的前期成本很高,更不用说一整天的安装过程了. 但是,投资一台新十大网络彩票平台大全的好处远远大于坏处.

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What Are Your AC Options?


How eager are you to get into the high heat of summer without the ability to rely on a powerful air conditioner? We’d say that you’d probably prefer to avoid that type of situation. 为了在整个夏天保持凉爽,你需要在你的房子里安装一台好的十大网络彩票平台大全.

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You are ready to get a good air conditioner installed in your home. Last summer was the last time you would let yourself sweat your way through the hottest months of the year. This doesn’t mean that getting your AC set up in your home is going to be as easy as plugging in a window unit.

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What’s Wrong With Your AC System?


Whether it’s an unusual sound, a bad smell, or just plain old intuition, there are times when you know that something is wrong with your air conditioner. 但即使你知道出了什么问题,你也不一定知道到底发生了什么.

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What would you do if your computer suddenly shut itself off in the middle of your work just to boot right back up? 除了极度沮丧之外,你可能还会担心,因为这不是一个好兆头! 你的机器可能出问题了.

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We have already started to get those hints of warmth letting us know that the heat and humidity of summer aren’t too far off. 虽然这是一个受欢迎的变化从沉闷的云和寒冷的冬天, 我们大多数人能承受的热量是有限的. Thankfully, having a reliable air conditioner in your home will help keep things comfortable on many of those sweltering days.

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3 Repairs Your Furnace May Need


One of the best ways to do this is to make sure that your furnace gets the service it needs to help keep it in good shape. 这就是为什么最好尽早在哥伦布得到炉子修理, OH,如果你的系统似乎在挣扎. 修理是不能拖延的!

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你的取暖器好像坏了. 也许它不能给你的家供暖,或者, if it does, 它把能源账单推到了一个高得离谱的水平. Unfortunately this all adds up to the need for a heating system repair. 问题是谁来做这件事?

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你在房子里走来走去,试图弄清楚为什么你闻到了一些“异味”.” Homeowners throughout Ohio have experienced this issue at one time or another. You check the usual suspects: the kitchen, bathroom, and laundry room. 但你找不到气味的来源.

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现在是一年中的这个时候,你会得到更多的使用你的加热器. As temperatures drop, you deserve to be able to enjoy a fully functioning system that you thank your lucky stars for on a cold day. But what if there was a little more you could do to ensure you stay comfortable?

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What’s that noise? None of the kids’ toys in the house are talking and there’s no creepy movie on, 所以你开始有点担心了. 更糟糕的是,房子开始感觉 cold. 我们知道,所有这些奇怪的声音和寒意似乎都暗示着某种超凡脱俗的东西, 但不要让你的想象力太过狂野. 你可能只是暖气出了问题.

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热泵,也被称为更正式的热泵迷你分裂,是非常舒适的系统. We tell you this because if you are looking for a system to provide your home with reliable temperature control we’d suggest considering this one. It can provide energy efficiency and some other great perks as well.

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It is the time of year when you want to focus on staying cozy and enjoying more time with your family and friends. 然而,你发现你在寻找创造性的方法来保暖,而不是享受自己! This is frustrating first of all and a warning of a problem too. 很有可能你的加热器有问题,需要专家的关注.

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只有当一个家庭的供暖系统在寒冷的冬天失灵时,它的价值才会被意识到. 加热器故障有几种可能的原因, 其中大多数问题都需要专家服务来解决. Familiarizing yourself with some of these issues and their warning signs might help you detect trouble immediately and reach out for help before the situation becomes worse.

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If you have a furnace heater in your home then you have every right to rely on it during even the coldest weather. 当你的系统在工作中表现不佳时,你也有权利感到沮丧.

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Sometimes the luxury of choice is enjoyable; at other times it feels overwhelming. 我们不希望你在保持家里舒适的时候感到不知所措. While you should be able to enjoy choosing the best furnace for your house, 实际上做出选择可能很困难.

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It’s important to remember that you want to schedule a heater replacement before your heater gives out completely. 熟悉系统处于最后阶段的警告信号是个好主意. 这样你就可以安排纽瓦克的供暖服务了, OH,在你没有暖气的时候.

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炉子是非常可靠的家庭供暖系统. However, their power doesn’t mean that they are immune to trouble. 在煤气炉或电炉的使用寿命中,系统会遇到问题. 维修可以将故障降至最低, but the day will still arrive when you need a furnace service in Dublin, OH.

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This is a season of gift-giving. We know that the idea of giving gifts to your home may seem strange but, really, when you help your heater, 你实际上是在帮助你自己.

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A gas or electric furnace can be your best friend on a truly cold winter day. The modern versions of these systems are made to be highly effective and energy efficient meaning you can enjoy great comfort without a high cost. This makes it easy to be invested in taking care of this system–it already takes such good care of you during the winter, after all.

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在寒冷的日子里,你想让你的家保持温暖. 但如果你的取暖器会导致你的取暖费飙升,这可能很难做到. If you’ve received an energy bill recently that made you choke on your coffee then it is worthwhile to have a professional check out your Pickerington, OH HVAC system.

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你有一个工作的恒温器和一个强大的加热器. 这个伟大的团队应该是所有你需要保证在你的家最好的舒适水平? Well, yes and no. In many cases, the core part of your Columbus, OH HVAC system, 那是加热器和恒温器, 能覆盖大部分的基础,保持你的舒适. 但情况可能会变得更好. How? 改善你的室内空气质量.

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How to Choose Your Next Heater


即使我们进入春天,我们仍然会看到大量的寒冷天气. 这就意味着如果你的加热器坏了, now is a good time to get started on upgrading your heating system. 即使你使用这个系统的时间不长, upgrading an aging heater is going to benefit you in the long run.

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现在是春天(至少按照日历), we know that the weather is going to start warming up again. You are going to be using your heater less and less in the coming weeks. This may raise the question as to whether or not you should bother handling any heater issues that may have made themselves known at this point.

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Before we get started, my intent is not to induce panic or blow the supply shortage out of proportion. I do believe it is necessary and vital for people to be informed. 我也有一个独特的视角可以帮助你.

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如果你的家庭预算紧张, then a pricey energy bill can send things into a bit of chaos. The best way to avoid this is to prevent the situations that would cause your energy bills to skyrocket. It can be tough to minimize your energy use in a busy household. 在运行加热器时,请使用这些最佳做法, 你可以控制你的能源账单, 特别是如果每个人都在同一页上.

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如果你刚开始在晚上使用暖气,你就已经听到奇怪的声音了, 我们希望你能十大网络彩票平台大全. There is a reason why those noises your system is making concern you. Because something in you knows that they spell trouble for your heater, your energy bills, your comfort, and even your home safety.

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如果你正在为你的家投资一个热泵系统, you may be wondering what goes into the installation process. A heat pump is unique from other types of heating and cooling systems because it works as an all-in-one air conditioner and heater. 当你购买热泵时,你不必有两个独立的加热和冷却系统.

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If a gas-powered furnace wasn’t able to work in a safe manner, 这是不允许安装在现代家庭的. With all this said, even the most well-made and safe furnace will fall prey to wear and tear over time. And one of the results of that wear and tear can be a cracked heat exchanger. 这是一个需要快速解决的问题. We’ll explain why below.

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如果你还没有花时间开始考虑你的加热器在未来几个月的性能, 我们建议现在就花点时间这样做. 回想一下上一季:它为你的家供暖有多好, how high were your energy bills, did it make odd sounds? Asking questions like these can help you figure out if there could be trouble on the horizon once you turn your heater on.

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What’s That Smell? It May Be Your Heater


There is more than one way to figure out if and when your heater needs help. Over the years, even the most well-maintained heater is going to run into trouble. 这是一个好主意,了解不同的警告标志,可能来自一个故障的加热器.

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Why Add a Furnace to Your Home?


你肯定不想在冬天或春天的时候家里没有一个好的取暖器. If you’ve been fighting your way through the coldest months of the year with a space heater to get you by, 我们想提供另一种选择. 在你的家里增加一个炉子加热器可以为你提供令人难以置信的可靠和高效的整个家庭供暖. 这也适用于最冷的日子!

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Why Upgrade Your Furnace Now


Winter is over, and we are looking forward to warmer weather. 这可能意味着升级你的炉子是你最不可能想到的事情. But if you’ve experienced furnace problems over the winter, and I have a feeling that this winter was your furnace’s last heating season, 现在可能是时候继续投资一个替代品了.

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3 IAQ Services You Can Schedule


If you’re concerned about the indoor air quality of your home, you should be. Experts estimate that indoor air can be up to five times as polluted as outdoor air. 细菌、细菌和灰尘颗粒很容易被困在你无处可去的家里.

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The air in your home is the thing you count on regularly to keep you comfortable. 缺乏气流意味着没有任何东西可以帮助你升温(或者在夏天让你降温)。. However, the quality of the airflow in your home is going to be important too.

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The Importance of Your Ducts


Imagine if you had a source of fresh water for your home but no pipes to deliver it to any of the faucets, showerheads, or toilets. 除非你有一个可靠的传递系统,否则有一个来源并不能走得太远. It’s important to remember this when thinking about your ductwork. This is because your ductwork is the delivery system for all of the cold filtered air that your air conditioner produces.

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The Importance of Getting Your Ducts Professionally Cleaned


现在把你的管道系统想象成一条路. 如果你的导管里充满了大量的碎片, 这将使你的暖通十大网络彩票平台大全系统产生的冷空气很难通过并进入你的家. In the same way that you need a clear road to drive to your destination, 你需要清洁的管道系统来获得清洁和凉爽的空气,你需要分布在你的房子里.

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如果你家里有一个管道舒适系统,那么默认情况下,你有管道系统. That much is pretty clear. What might not be clear is how clean and whole your ducts are. Having ductwork in your home is mandatory but having ductwork that is in prime condition is going to be ideal.

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